Unfair competition
One of the consequences of technological progress as well as globalization and digitization of the economy is the constantly growing competition in most market segments. This, in turn, inevitably leads to an exacerbation of market behaviour of businesses, increasingly exceeding the principles of fair competition. Lack of effective protection against unfair competition may disrupt the trust of business partners and customers and, in consequence, the long-built market position. Our long-term expertise in the field of unfair competition allows us to effectively protect our clients’ rights and interests in every market sector.
Within the scope of our unfair competition practice we advise our clients in disputes regarding:
- free-riding
- misleading labelling of products, services and enterprise
- parasitic and slavish imitation
- unfair advertising (including comparative advertising and ambush marketing)
- unfair solicitation
- spreading of false or misleading information
- unfair behaviour in contractual and post-contractual, including franchising and distribution relations